几乎所有的博客都可以在线阅读,或者通过 RSS 订阅源进行阅读。RSS
订阅源是一个包含博客及其所有文章条目信息的简单的 XML 文档。 程序中使用了
feedparser 第三方模块,可以轻松地从任何 RSS 或 Atom
''' Created on Jul 14, 2012 @Author: killua @E-mail: [email protected] @Homepage: http://www.yidooo.net @Decriptioin: Counting the words in a Feed feedparser:feedparser is a Python library that parses feeds in all known formats, including Atom, RSS, and RDF.It runs on Python 2.4 all the way up to 3.2. dataset: http://kiwitobes.com/clusters/feedlist.txt You can download feeds from this list. Maybe some feeds you can access in China. '''
import feedparser import re
#Get word from feed defgetwords(html): #Remove all the HTML tags text = re.compile(r"<[^>]+>").sub('', html)
#Split words by all non-alpha characters words = re.compile(r"[^A-Z^a-z]+").split(text)
#Convert words to lowercase wordlist = [word.lower() for word in words if word != ""]
return wordlist
#Returns title and dictionary of word counts for an RSS feed defgetFeedwordcounts(url): #Parser the feed d = feedparser.parse(url) wordcounts = {}
#Loop over all the entries for e in d.entries: if'summary'in e: summary = e.summary else: summary = e.description
words = getwords(e.title + ' ' + summary) for word in words: wordcounts.setdefault(word, 0) wordcounts[word] += 1
return d.feed.title, wordcounts
if __name__ == '__main__': #count the words appeared in blog blogcount = {} wordcounts = {}
feedFile = file('resource/feedlist.txt') feedlist = [line for line in feedFile.readlines()]
for feedUrl in feedlist: try: title, wc = getFeedwordcounts(feedUrl) wordcounts[title] = wc for word, count in wc.items(): blogcount.setdefault(word, 0) if count > 1: blogcount[word] += 1 except: print'Failed to parse feed %s' % feedUrl
wordlist = [] for w, bc in blogcount.items(): frac = float(bc) / len(feedlist) if frac > 0.1and frac < 0.5: wordlist.append(w)
#Write the result to the file datafile = file('blogdata', 'w') #Write result's head datafile.write('Blog') for word in wordlist: datafile.write('\t%s' % word) datafile.write('\n') #Write results for blogname, wc in wordcounts.items(): print blogname datafile.write(blogname) for word in wordlist: if word in wc: datafile.write("\t%d" % wc[word]) else: datafile.write("\t0") datafile.write('\n')